Friday, December 23, 2011

My 2nd graders performance

Up atop my hill at sunset. Just after, my camera froze. Literally.

My performance. HAHA! And the mic stand was missing, so Bayarma held the mic

Atop my hill 
The valley before sunset

My teachers performing Mambo #5

My 3rd graders performance

My 3rd graders performing Mambo #5

My 5th graders performance

My ger and my vestibule where I keep my fire wood and meat

My 7th graders performing Mambo #5. Do you see the theme yet?

My friend took this when I wasnt looking. I look so hardcore.

All of my friends/football team for our thanksgiving football game

Both teams after our pigskin game. My team played shirtless after halftime. We still lost 35-0.

Monday, November 14, 2011

all the cute little kids and some of my students so far

This little guy is named Inqwich. He was a little cousin, that followed me around for  about 3 months

He was very animated if you could get him out of his shell

This was my brothers little boy. Whom was naked about 98% of the time. 

This is Erden on the left and Tsogi on the right. Tsogi is Inqwich's older brother.

Yes, that is exactly what "Cheese" means

I had some weird little neighbor boys, but this picture looked like it should be in National Geographic so I put it in here

This is the biggest 2nd grader at my school. He wears his pants hiked up above his belly leaving his socks very exposed.  His shirt is also most of the time above his belly. This little baller brightens my day 

My host brother and his nephew

Im not sure who this girl is, but she kept asking me to take her picture.  How did she ask me? She would tug on me and do....


This is what a typical mongolian baby looks like.

This is my 7th grade class at my school. Pretty good kids... most of them.

This little dude cant wrestle quite yet, but he can wear the outfit

These are a few of my 9th graders at my school in Altanbulag

Little Erden won the children's division in his first year of competing

Inqwich and Tsogi with their cousin out in the countryside

That cousins brother. He always had a dirty face.

The 2 brothers. Really cool kids

This was their youngest brother. He was not as cool. He was quite the terror.

I called him "Dahsnee Tsaireg". It means "The Enemy's Soldier".

If you can see, Tsogi decided to take Inqwich for a ride in the cart used for carrying water. Inqwich arrived back with a golf ball size bump on his forehead. Tsogi knew nothing about it.

I looked out my bedroom one day to see a very familiar sight. I figured I would show you all

He couldn't be happier

This was my class over the summer in Dulaankhan. We had to go out into the community to find our students for our classes. The boy on the front row in the pinkish shirt, looks like the Mongolian version of Bobby Brady from the Brady Bunch. I called him that one day, and it stuck. I look back now, and they were a darn good group of kids.

Tsogi kept trying to take Inqwich's sucker from his mouth. He would laugh, until it popped out, then he would begin balling on command.

My 2 little cousins

I was asked to take pictures during wrestling practice in my school at Altanbulag. These 2 little guys forgot their wrestling outfits, so they had to wrestle in whatever they had. The boy in shorts used this to his advantage and continued giving the other boy a wedgie until the boys pants ripped. It brightened my day.

A few of my 8th graders did a skit during a celebration at school.

After wrestling practice, the students must practice traditional ways to enter and exit the wrestling arena.
My host family in Dulaankhan

Same. Photo shoots are an adventure, because everybody tries to be serious, but they cant. I dont know why they fight it

At the awards ceremony at Nadaam

My brother playing dress up

My aunt and her father

My families family the night before Nadaam. We cooked a sheep over a fire at the river

My family wanted a photo of us that night. But if you look closely, the drunk guy in the background on the left side is my uncle taking a piss

My supervisor at my school in Altanbulag. That is his wife and granddaughter. The man on the left is  very nice, but i dont know what he really does.

Some exhausted Family after Nadaam

Some family out in the country on a weekend visit

A few of us Volunteers with our families by the river for dinner in Dulaankhan

I really did think we were doing a serious Mongolian Picture. I guess not

I just climbed the highest peak in Dulaankhan with a few friends

My buddy Jordan and his awesome family. They were great people

My good friend Tsoodol. He is a math teacher at my school in Altanbulag

A bunch of teachers at my school for a retirement celebration for the man in the center in white.
A few teachers hanging outside after school in our courtyard