Saturday, February 4, 2012

A really good photo that my friend took of me at the teachers seminar in Erdenet. Thanks Katie

A random herder with his animals that we came across on our hike

A nice sunset from Tsoodol's ger in the countryside

All the teachers that came to our seminar during their break

Can anybody spot the random out of place white guy in this photo?

A picture of Sukbaatar Square in downtown UB

From Sukbaatar Square. The Pink Opera House and some new skyscraper buildings

Sukbaatar Square. The Government House.

Sukbaatar Square. Close up of the Government House Statues

I just thought this was a cool picture of one of Tsoodol's horses that I took in the Countryside

Another picture I deemed as cool

I let Bolto take pictures of me as we walked up the mountains and herded the calves. They are the specks in the white snow.

Same as above

Bolto insisted on this picture and pose. I obliged

My Horse was getting panicky up on these rocks so I had to whisper sweet nothings to him

Snow Eating Contest Champion 2012

The realization that the snow I just ate looks to be yellow.

After a serious avalanche, I attempted to save my friend. (This is a dramatic reenactment. No Mongolians were hurt during this Photo Shoot)

Bolto believes that a horse with clear nostrils is a happy horse.

Tsoodol's ger and barn out in the Countryside. Miles away from people or any life forms in general.

One of our calves had a serious eye problem. I took this photo
to show a friend of mine that had to wear an eye patch as a little
girl. Its ok that I tease her, because she out grew her eye patch to
become a stunningly beautiful young woman.

When we caught up to this herder friend, my friend took this picture to make it look like we were hanging out. We didnt.

My friends Kari(left) and Gracie( right) on our hike up north where
they live. This peak overlooks the Selenge river, which is the longest
river in Mongolia. Its completely frozen right now, which allowed us
to cross it and make better time on our trek.

And one last photo of me on the peak overlooking the frozen river and surrounding mountains

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