Saturday, November 17, 2012

Me with several of my other male teachers at my school relaxing before one of our competitions.

This was me and one of my fellow teachers singing a traditional Mongolian song.
My Assistant Principal decided to have lots of vodka and get up at our town
talent competition and play the accordion. As awful as he was, it was one of the
funniest things all night, because of how pleased he was with himself.
My performance.

This month we had many student competitions between different grades.

We had several student dances as well.
My 8th graders love to dance... in very large circles.

This was a student competition where students competed on topics of how to
be a more upstanding citizen. 

same competition. I love seeing them do group work. They are far more productive.

We allowed the students to get up and do a massage train. Obviously some of the
students massage too hard.
Some students such as one of my 7th graders, cant seem to pay attention. I struggle as well when they last 6 hours.

This years annual sports competition.
This years long distance runner champion. With the Mongolian flag.
I think my favorite sports competition is the one we do for the 2nd through 5th
grades. They are usually quite funny.

A perfect example. My 2nd graders took over the long jump sand pit for some wrestling.

My friend Jerry that is a Health Volunteer a few hours away, came and helped
me do an Alcohol Awareness Seminar. My doctor and my fellow English Teacher
helped us tremendously.
When I woke the other morning, and came outside, this is what I saw. I didnt
doctor this photo at all. The sunrises and sunsets are phenomenal.
As a Peace Corps Volunteer we are not allowed to accept money for our services in the community. But we are allowed to accept gifts. For tutoring one of my students, her mother has decided to pay me in cheese that she makes. It is the best gift ever.
I took 4 of my students to the city for an action packed day of fun. This was
our time at the fountains near the town square.

Thanks to NTV and the wonderful staff for hosting my students. It was an experience they wont soon forget.

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