Monday, April 29, 2013

I came across this fox randomly on an evening hike. I wish I had my bigger lens to have gotten a better picture.
April 15th. It snowed between 6 to 8 inches. Im over the snow.

April 15th

I was just taking pictures around my yard and this was one that I liked.

We had a Men's Day celebration in which all the female teaching staff presented gifts to the men.

I was next to our barn petting the horses and I told this hilarious joke...

I went for a hike and came across some large herds of horses.

I just liked this one...

Im still waiting for our river to melt so I can do a bit of camping... but its still 3 to 5 feet thick.

Maybe I didnt pay attention last year but this year, there is a huge amount of new born foals. Everywhere I look there are more.
This is the barn behind my ger.

The weather in spring time is really crazy which creates some beautiful pictures of the sky.

I didnt do anything to this picture. The sky has looked this way every night for weeks.
We took a huge group of kids from the orphanage to the museum. My friend started a Big Brother, Big Sister program here in Mongolia and it has really taken off.

My friend with his students who took 1sr and 2nd place in the state for their English. Unlike myself, he is a really good teacher. Or so he tells me.
My schools music teacher is retiring and at her party, I took a picture with her. Im wearing my new deel vest.

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